Orbs 2023

ORBS International Scientific Meeting

Save the date

25-27 September 2023

We are the meeting for the latest evidence, techniques and controversies in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery.

Thank you for being part of this year’s ORBS, it was a fantastic meeting and so good to see you all.

The on-demand is now open so you have the ability to revisit the sessions or catch the ones you missed.

As always we touched the difficult subjects. There was research and submitted papers, with lots of workshops mixed up into the meetings, including the final half day dedicated to chest wall perforated flaps.

It was great to have you back with us.

The Venue

East Midlands Conference Centre


Beeston Ln, Nottingham, NG7 2RJ


Exhibitors and Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you to our main exhibitors and sponsors for supporting Orbs in 2023. They represent leaders in their respective fields and have come back to showcase new and well-loved products at ORBS. Click on the logos below to learn more. For information on how to exhibit at ORBS 2023 both in person and online please email .

3M Science logo
Endomag logo
Exact Sciences logo
GC Asthetics logo
Healthcare 21 logo
Merit Medical logo
Motiva Implants logo
PFM Medical logo
Q Medical logo
Raise Healthcare logo
Sebbin logo
Southern Scientific logo



8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Welcome and Gadget Show

Gadget Show -
3M, Southern Scientific, Healthcare 21, Sebbin, Q Medical, Merit Medical

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Parallel Workshops

Vertical / J / Tennis Racket Therapeutic Mammaplasty

Indications, planning and technique

Marzia Salgarello, Douglas Macmillan & Krishna Clough

Mammaplasty for Large Breasts

Indications, planning and technique

Stephen McCulley, Alex Munhoz & John Murphy

Submitted Papers

Peer Christiansen, James Harvey & Mike Dixon

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM

Tea/coffee break

10:25 AM - 10:30 AM

Gadget Show

PFM, GC Aesthetics, Exact Sciences

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Extending the role of BCS

Chair: Krishna Clough

Should BCS be recommended over mastectomy - It's not a choice anymore
European & US views

Peer Christiansen & Monica Morrow

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Extending the role of BCS

Chair: Krishna Clough

Oncoplastic breast conservation for large volume DCIS

Douglas Macmillian & Krishna Clough

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Extending the role of BCS

Chair: Krishna Clough

BCS for multicentric disease and repeat BCS

Mike Dixon

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Extending the role of BCS

Chair: Krishna Clough

Margins for DCIS, Invasive, and Post-neoadjuvant – Should they be different and does lesion size and margin width matter?

Monica Morrow

12:00 PM - 12:15 PM

Extending the role of BCS

Chair: Krishna Clough

Decision-making for oncoplastic breast conservation vs mastectomy

Shelley Potter

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

Extending the role of BCS



12:45 PM - 1:40 PM


1:40 PM - 2:45 PM

Parallel Sponsored Workshops

Enhancing Oncoplastic Outcomes with Magseed and Magtrace


Patricia Clarke, Anushka Chaudhry & Ricardo Pardo

Pre-pectoral Refinements

Is ADM necessary?
PU implants
Pre-pectoral conversion

John Murphy, Yves Harder & Marzia Salgarello

Fat grafting - The essential tool

After RT
Unusual indications
Fat Banking

Krishna Clough, Mike Dixon & Douglas Macmillan

2:45 PM - 3:10 PM

Tea/coffee break

3:10 PM - 3:15 PM

Gadget Show

Gadget Show -
Motiva, Endomag & Raise

3:15 PM - 3:40 PM

Oncoplastic Surgery - What, for whom and by whom?

Chair: Monica Morrow

How much Level 1? / How much Level 2? / Oncocosmetic Surgery - Naughty or Nice?

Krishna Clough & Douglas Macmillan

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

Oncoplastic Surgery - What, for whom and by whom?

Chair: Monica Morrow

A single 'vertical' surgeon or dual speciality approach - Which is ideal?

Stephen McCulley & Patricia Clark

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Oncoplastic Surgery - What, for whom and by whom?

Chair: Monica Morrow

What are we doing - in the UK?

Shelley Potter

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Oncoplastic Surgery - What, for whom and by whom?

Chair: Monica Morrow

Oncological and PROM's outcomes in oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery - What more evidence do we need?

Jana De Boniface

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Oncoplastic Surgery - What, for whom and by whom?

Chair: Monica Morrow

No Panel ran out of time.

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Parallel Workshops

New Opportunities in 2 - Stage Breast Reconstruction (Motiva) Alex Munhoz & Yves Harder

Braxon Fast - The evidence behind the innovation

(Raise Healthcare)

Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo, Susanna Polloto & Rishi Parmeshwar

Deeba Ahmed

Deeba Ahmed

Anushka Chaudhry

Anushka Chaudhry

Swindon, United Kingdom
Peer Christiansen

Peer Christiansen

Aarhus, Denmark
Patricia Clark

Patricia Clark

Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Krishna Clough

Krishna Clough

Paris, France
Jana de Boniface

Jana de Boniface

Stockholm, Sweden
Santanelli di Pompeo

Santanelli di Pompeo

Rome, Italy
Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon

Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Yves Harder

Yves Harder

Lugano, Switzerland
James Harvey

James Harvey

Manchester, United Kingdom
Simon Holt

Simon Holt

Carmarthen, United Kingdom
Douglas Macmillan

Douglas Macmillan

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Cindy Mak

Cindy Mak

New South Wales, Australia
Stephen McCulley

Stephen McCulley

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Monica Morrow

Monica Morrow

New York City, United States
Alex Munhoz

Alex Munhoz

São Paulo, Brazil
John Murphy

John Murphy

Wilmslow, United Kingdom
Shelley Potter

Shelley Potter

Bristol, United Kingdom
Marzia Salgarello

Marzia Salgarello

Rome, Italy